Can I listen to my live voice reading again?

Noa Runes
Noa Runes
  • Updated
Yes, you can revisit any previous live voice orders placed on your account via the Purple Garden mobile app. Please follow the instructions below:

There is a copy of each live voice recording saved in the order itself. To review:

  1. Tap on "My activity" from the home screen of the app
    (located on the bottom central area of your display)

  2. Select the relevant advisor from your order history

  3. Locate the order in your history one of two ways:
    1. Scrolling up through your order/chat history with your advisor
    2. Select "Sessions" near the upper right-hand side of your display so that you'll only see your previous order(s) with that specific advisor, without the messages in-between

  4. Tap on the session you would like to replay 

  5. Tap on "Play recording" underneath the advisor's profile photo
    (don't forget to turn your volume up!)

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